Home Based Candy Wrapper Business


Among various options in the work from home category, a lucrative deal is start off your own candy wrapper making business. To put it simply, the business entails making candy wrappers and associated items like labels at home for various occasions.

The key skill required for setting up a candy wrapper business in addition to various other material resources is the artistic ability to create designs that appeal to your prospective clientele and suit the occasion. Additionally basic graphics software knowledge always helps. However, various templates are available free or at a nominal price.

This business can be taken up as either a full time or part time work option. An individual working full time can earn up to $1500 per week. A few prerequisites for the candy wrapper making business are enlisted below.

1. Computer with relevant graphic software

2. Colored printers and printer cartridges

3. Papers

4.Candy bars

5. Basic office stationery like glue, paper cutter, etc.

Price your wrappers based on your competitor's offerings and overall cost. A candy wrapper could range anywhere from $1.00 to $5.00 per wrapped regular-sized Hershey Bar. Do not forget to offer discounts on bulk purchases.

Marketing Strategies

Present your samples and latest offerings on a web site along with corresponding prices to let your customers choose and order online. You can also market through various vendors. For instance flower shops and wedding planners will often help distribute on a profit sharing basis. These vendors can act as a bridge between you and your client. You can also have an exhibit in various trade shows or wedding fairs if that fits into your budget.

There is a comprehensive solution to all your queries regarding the perfect start of your dream business. MyMommyBiz start up guide on how to start a home based candy wrapper making business deals with all your worries and assists you through the various stages of setting up and subsequent running of your business.

The guide tutors on any and every aspect of the business ranging from how to make wrappers to online marketing and subsequent selling. Apart from easy to understand directions the guide includes a large worksheet with the wrapper sizes of ten different kinds of candy. Various large and snack-size candy bars, gum, Lifesavers, and Rolos are also complementary.

Your working partner helps you not only make a unique product for every occasion, but also manages your business. The sample order forms, tracking sheets, payment mode details, refund policies, qand feedback forms can be deployed with ease.